Stewardship Ministries


Our hands do a lot of work: we use them for our jobs, for family and social activities, but how often do we use them for the works of the Church? For our Catholic Faith? 

Parish Stewardship is the sharing of our time, talent, and treasure with our Church in thanksgiving for the gifts and blessings we have received from God.  Catholics are called to live Stewardship as a way of life. 

"Stewardship is an expression of discipleship, with the power to change how we understand and live out our lives." Good stewards live with joy and gratitude for the blessings they have received--including those that have multiplied through diligence and hard work." --Excerpt from Stewardship - A Disciples Response
The Archdiocese of Seattle has more resources and information regarding Parish Stewardship. Please go to for more information.


We invite parishioners to share their time and talent with the parish. For more information on volunteering in one of our parish or school ministries, please click on PARISH & SCHOOL MINISTRIES.


Each fall, we ask parishioners to make a pledge to the parish for the coming year. The pledge is your Sunday contribution for the new year. It is not a new collection. We ask you to make a pledge so that the parish can effectively balance its budget and plan for the following year. We invite all parishioners to take an active role in supporting the parish. Help us grow from year to year in our support of the parish--we can only do so with your participation. 

UPDATE as of 01/21/16
Pledges received: 241 $ Pledged: $216,000 
 Thank you to all parishioners who have responded and made a pledge. Thank you for your generosity and support of St. Edward Parish. If you know of family or friends who attend Mass at St. Edward, encourage them to support the parish and make a pledge. You can help increase our participation and educate fellow parishioners about Parish Stewardship. Thank you for all that you do for St. Edward Parish! 

If you have not yet made a pledge, please prayerfully consider doing so. Your participation makes a big difference! You can email your pledge information to Vince at 



Each Spring, our parish participates in the Annual Catholic Appeal that helps support over 60 ministries and services in the Archdiocese of Seattle. The Annual Catholic Appeal is a reminder that we are not just members of St. Edward Parish, we are members of the Archdiocese of Seattle and the worldwide Roman Catholic Church. Your pledge and support of ACA benefits many people in Western Washington who rely on the services and ministries the Archdiocese of Seattle provides. For more information on the ACA and how you can make a pledge, please go to
Last Year:
Annual Catholic Appeal 2015, February month end report.
Goal: $70,000, actual pledged: $64,826, actual payments made: $58,750, 90.6% of pledged amount fulfilled, 83.9% of goal
Participation Goal: Over 50% in participation
This Year: As of 4/29/2016
Annual Catholic Appeal 2016
Goal: $75,500, actual pledged: $18,8800 actual payments made: $9,395, 50% of pledged amount fulfilled, we are at 12.4% of Goal
Participation Goal: Over 50% in participation, we are at 12.5% over all participation, 25% of participation goal.


  • Donate Online with credit/debit/direct bank withdrawal
  • Cash or Check – make checks payable to Annual Catholic Appeal
  • Pledge Only – submit your pledge (through the pledge envelope or online) and you will be sent monthly reminders.
  • Donate Stock – call 206-382-7316 for broker instructions
  • Donate through your IRA – contact your IRA administrator and have your gift sent directly to the ACA Office, 710 9th Ave, Seattle WA 98104 – include your name, ACA ID# and the parish you want the gift credit to go to.
  • Payroll Deduction – some employers offer this option – check with yours

Can your gift be doubled? 
Once your gift is fulfilled, ask your employer if they have a matching gift program. Your gift could possibly be doubled! (tax ID# 91-0778147)

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